Meet Dr. Bob Apol

Everything Changed in an Instant
Originally from Michigan, one of the jobs I worked while in undergraduate school was building houses. One morning while at work, everything changed. I was bending over nailing a wall and my “back went out.” I was stuck! If I tried to move I experienced horrible pain.
I went to my chiropractor, and as you would imagine, his understanding of my spine made all the difference in my life.
A Change in Career
During one particular visit to my chiropractor, he asked me why I was considering the route of physical therapy school. He believed that my healing experience with gentle, corrective chiropractic care is what great chiropractors have in common. It was his conviction that once I’d experienced the difference chiropractic made in my life, I too could make that same difference for others.
I took his advice and looked into chiropractic school. I liked what I learned and was soon convinced that chiropractic college was right for me. Graduating in 1993, I’m more passionate than ever to give back to others what I received: relief and whole-body wellness.
Becoming a Chiropractor
I began my undergraduate studies at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI, majoring in Health Sciences. I went on to complete my chiropractic education at Life Chiropractic University in Marietta, GA.
When I began my chiropractic education, I thought chiropractic care was all about bones and muscles. While that’s only part of it, I was amazed at the far-reaching effects that chiropractic has in a person’s ability to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
My post-graduate education is in Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), Cranial Therapy and I have a special passion for the proper neurological development in children.
I’ve had the pleasure of teaching other chiropractors what I do here in the US and internationally in the UK and Australia.
An Active Family Man
I have three wonderful children who make my life complete. I believe a healthy lifestyle greatly contributes to your well-being. That’s why I receive weekly chiropractic adjustments and I exercise regularly by swimming, doing Crossfit and running.
With a passion for cooking, I must admit that my diet isn’t always perfect. I stick to lots of protein, vegetables and avoid unhealthy fats. Whole food supplements are an essential part of my wellness arsenal.
To learn more about us and how our services can help you achieve your health goals, contact us today!