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Plagiocephaly at Apol Chiropractic

Tiny baby holding fingerThe term plagiocephaly is derived from the Greek words meaning oblique head. There are 3 types of plagiocephaly. One is a result of a genetic disorder. The second is caused by fusion of one or more of the cranial sutures (joints between the head bones), it is termed cranial sutural synostosis. If this second type is suspected, the child is referred out for imaging. Surgical intervention maybe indicated. The third type is referred to as Non-synostotic deformational plagiocephaly. The third type is very correctable by using advanced cranial adjusting techniques and without the use of cranial bands or helmets. The amount of pressure used during infant cranial corrections is the amount of pressure you could apply to your eye and still feel comfortable.

What is Plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome)?

Plagiocephaly refers to a deformity of the skull in which one side appears more developed than the other. When looking down at the top of your baby’s head, is one ear further forward? Does one side of the forehead seem more forward? Does the back of the head seem flatter on one side or do both sides appear flat?

When looking at your baby’s face, does one eye seem smaller than the other? Is one ear higher than the other? Does one cheek seem fuller than the other?

Everyone has some asymmetry. But if you notice many of the characteristics noted above, you may want to discuss this with me.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes plagiocephaly? What are some early indications my child has a cranial problem? How do I know if my child is at risk? What are the long term consequences if left uncorrected?

Schedule an Appointment

Call us today to have your baby checked for plagiocephaly.


Plagiocephaly Hoover AL | (205) 538-7410